We all know the importance of staying fit and healthy; but it’s not just what’s on the outside that counts – surely staying in shape is as much about the inside as the out?
It can be so easy for us to overlook important parts of our anatomy when we discuss exercise. The muscles of the pelvic floor have vitally important roles to play in supporting a healthy body; controlling the bladder, supporting internal organs, key in determining the frequency of orgasms…
Understanding what our muscles do and how we can make them do it better will have huge rewards, so let’s take a closer look and discuss 10 Facts about the Pelvic Floor that all women should know:
1. “Your Pelvic Floor is a sling of muscles, nerves & connective tissue, which form the neuromuscular bowel of your undercarriage.”
2. The Pelvic Floor helps to keep you continent and is important for healthy sexual, bladder and bowel health. It also helps to support the position of your bladder, bowel and uterus.
3. After having children, the Pelvic Floor may undergo trauma which may lead to problems including bladder or bowel incontinence or dysfunction, sexual health problems and Pelvic Organ Prolapse.
4. “In some countries in Europe, women receive routine Pelvic Floor rehabilitation after having children but unfortunately in the UK this is not the case. Despite this, help is available.”
5. Women of all ages can develop Pelvic Floor problems and these are not always due to pregnancy or childbirth.
6. The Pelvic Floor may become weak, but may also be overactive – both can lead to problems developing.
7. What happens in the tummy can affect the Pelvic Floor. Increased pressure in the abdomen during constipation, repeat coughing, lifting or some kinds of impact exercise can be detrimental. There may also be a link between Tummy separation after pregnancy and Pelvic Floor dysfunction.
8. “Being overweight, sedentary jobs, smoking and hormonal fluctuations can all affect the health of your Pelvic Floor.”
9. The only way of properly diagnosing a Pelvic Floor dysfunction is to have an internal examination by a specialist practitioner – such as a Women’s Health Physiotherapist. This is a simple and gentle examination which determines how your Pelvic Floor is functioning.
10. Pelvic Floor dysfunctions causing urinary, bowel and sexual problems can be treated! The National Institute of Clinical Excellence recommends specialist Pelvic Floor rehab as the first-line treatment for urinary incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse.
These important muscles don’t get enough credit for the hard work they do and the integral role they play in the wider health of our bodies. Taking good care of your pelvic floor can improve your life in many ways, so what are you waiting for?
If you are concerned about the health of your Pelvic Floor do get in touch info@enlivenhealth.co.uk. We are here to help!